Assenza ingiustificata. – 161

Giusto per non deludere tutti i lettori di Fairydawn, facendo le veci della morosa nonché padrona del blog, vi annuncio che Chiara si è presa sette giorni di ferie a partire da Sabato scorso. Attualmente è in Val di Fassa a spassarsela, quindi non preoccupatevi se non leggerete sue notizie per una settimana. Per quanto riguarda il post di saluto che avrebbe dovuto scrivere Venerdì scorso, bhe, si scusa con tutti, ma non ha avuto tempo causa impegni di laboratorio, treno da prendere, valigia da preparare e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
Tornerete ad avere sue notizie dalla settimana prossima.

Ciao a tutti!
il moroso

9 Responses to “Assenza ingiustificata. – 161”

  1. Mery83 scrive:

    Che bravo moroso che fa pure le sue veci sul blog!!

    Divertiti Chiara lontano da topolini e provette…respira un po’ di aria buona anche per me!!

  2. il moroso scrive:

    @Mery83: Visto??

  3. |Belts can be a wonderful fashion accessory. Available in a wide array of fabrics and styles, belts offer endless opportunities to express your fashion style. Add a fluorescent, thin belt to your skinny jeans and be in fashion, or use a patent leather belt for a sophisticated look.

  4. |Sheer clothing can be sexy, but it is important that it is not too sheer. Wearing something that is too sheer, particularly in private areas, will make you look trashy more than it will make you look classy.

  5. }{Dress jeans up by wearing a dressy shirt and heels. Wear colored jeans if you want a more casual look.

  6. }{Before getting ready to throw out your beauty products, use every last ounce of it. For a products that come in tubes, think about using a squeezer that is made for toothpaste. To get the last drops of bottled products, store them at an angle, or even upside-down. It’s also sometimes helpful to remove the cap completely. This can save you money.

  7. |Some people think fashion is just about clothing. What they fail to recognize is the importance of hairstyles, which can make or break any look in fashion. This is why it is crucial that you figure out how to properly manage your hair.

  8. {Casual up-dos are a good way to pick up the hair from your shoulders. Long, loose hair can get in the way during work or play. When you’re out of time, put your hair up in a bun!

  9. |Create a look that is specific to you. Truly original fashion comes from people who make their own style, not those who follow the trends. You, of course, need a certain personality to be comfortable doing this, but once you take the leap, you will surely enjoy the many compliments for being unique.

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